
Medical oncology

Medical oncology is one of the major cancer treatment modalities, and it uses systemic treatment approaches, such as Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy and Hormonal Therapy to manage cancer effectively. These systemic therapies help destroy cancer cells present throughout the body. They are often administered in combination with other treatment modalities like surgery and radiation therapy for best clinical outcomes among the patients.

The experts from our medical oncology department at HCG work towards the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of cancers through cutting-edge technology and personalised multimodal treatment protocols.

Apart from inpatient chemotherapy facilities, the department has also made outpatient and ambulatory chemotherapy facilities available for patients via specialised chemoports. Our medical oncologists are skilled and experienced to manage both solid tumours and haematological disorders whilst preserving the quality of life among both adult and paediatric patients.
